How to Create a Website with Blogger - Complete Guide
In this episode we will see how to create a complete blogger site. If you go through this discussion carefully then you can easily create a blogger site. And it will look like a completely professional website. Blogger is best for learning how to create a website as blogger site can be created completely free. Because here you don't have to buy anything with any money, you can create a website completely free.
So for those who are just learning new it is good to start with it. After learning a bit you can spend some money and switch to another platform which will be more beneficial to you. Because it will be good if you can learn the basic tasks from here. To create a blogger site, first you need to enter the site. You must have a Gmail account. Logging in to while signed in to your Gmail account will ask for permission to create a new blog.
First you have to choose the name of your site. Suppose you want to make a website related to technology, in that case you gave the name Tech News 24. Once the name is given, press the Next button to go to the next step.
Now you select the name of your website according to your choice. As we have given here The first part is technews2b which is our given name part we can give ourselves and the next part will be associated with the name given by you as subdomain. But if you want to create a website only with your own name then you need to buy domain. Take for example Keep watching to get more details.
Finally, you will get the display name, you can give this name as you wish, no problem. For example, we gave Tech News as a display. You can give your own name here as you wish. Basically when you make a post on your website then this name will show or show below the post of your website. Basically it is known as an author's name. This name will help you understand what your post is written by.
Once the above three steps are completed, you will see such a page called Blogger Dashboard. From here you can write and publish posts on your website. This is only visible to you and the general visitors who see your website posts. From blogger dashboard you can control your entire website including theme, content, layout, and other settings. Check out a preview of a site built with Blogger -
- Let's have a brief look at all the options of blogger dashboard -
Post - If you want to write a new post, if you click on this postmadam, a new tab will open where you can write your article.
Stats - Here you will see the visitors of your blog.
Comments - If the visitor comments on your site, that will show the comment option.
Earnings - To connect your website to AdSense and access your AdSense account directly, enter this option.
Pages - You can use this option to create different pages under your website.
Layouts - Layouts determine how to manage the website theme. That is, this option is used to arrange the contents of your site consistently.
Theme - You can select the theme of your choice by giving the option and you can upload the customized theme.
Settings - There are a few more things added to the settings options that make controlling your site a little more intuitive.
Reading List - Blogger's official content will be here
If you press the option in View blog, you can see a video of your website or your website will be opened.
Many people know these basic things, so I will not talk about these things. I will talk directly with the settings option of blogger. If you do not watch it carefully, your website will never rank in Google or your website will not be found when someone searches in Google. That can be called SEO optimization.
The most important part of blogger dashboard is theme section and settings. Many people get confused with these two options. How to do Blogger setting and how to upload and customize theme these two things will be shown to you very well so read this post with full attention remember even if you omit a little part you will not understand anything.